Archiv des Autors: Hannah Sawall

LaVaLi goes ICLaVE12

Another sunny conference — five members of the LaVaLi project team attended the 12th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe in the beautiful buildings of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna. Our team started with … Weiterlesen

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LaVaLi at CLARe6

Some of us got to spend three sunny days in Tübingen at CLARe6 – the Conference on Language and Aging Research – presenting our current LaVaLi-related research.  Anne-Marie Moelders and Isabelle Buchstaller presented on “Quotative Variation Across the Life-Span”. Their … Weiterlesen

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LaVaLi and Feminism?

In November 2023, the “Feminist Conversations”, a monthly discussion round by, for, and with women were taken up at the University of Duisburg-Essen again – and the LaVaLi team is taking part! So in case you ever wondered how research … Weiterlesen

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LaVaLi at NWAV51

Four LaVaLi representatives recently attended the 51st New Ways of Analyzing Variation conference in New York, organized by NY’s Queens College. The conference featured an array of insightful talks and posters and the team had a blast! Carina Ahrens presented … Weiterlesen

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Inaugural LinPin conference in Essen

Organized by the Sociolab’s doctoral students Anne-Marie Moelders, Johanna Mechler, Christian Paga and Laura Imhoff, LinPin took place for the first time on 26 September 2023 at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The aim of LinPin (Linguistics Ph.D. Students in NRW) … Weiterlesen

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LaVaLi goes UKLVC14!

Three LaVaLi representatives went to UKLVC14 in Edinburgh to showcase the project findings. The conference had an amazing lineup of talks and posters and was a great overall experience!  Carina Ahrens presented parts of her bachelor’s thesis (parts of which … Weiterlesen

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